Wednesday, May 30, 2007

first post

well... I had been thinking about doing this for a lot of time...

I have a blog, which is written in portuguese, and it works like a communication link between me and my friends back home in Portugal

but since I got to the US a couple of months ago (more like a year) and have found a fair amount of good friends, I decided to start another blog, this one in english

It's not like I don't communicate with my friends here. I do, a lot! It's just that sometimes I find it hard to get my message through

so, I decided to create this space where I will just put a couple of things that I find interesting (or not!), and just put them here the way I see them

for whoever may read this, I hope you enjoy it

and, as a professor I had in one of my first courses here in the US used to say...

questions... comments... feel free!


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